3 little things that mean the world to women

1.Never put too much burden on her Too abundant or much burden on your woman will accomplish her breakdown. Women wish men who account them. Give her amplitude to do what she loves and she will be love you forever.
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2. Be honest with her feelings hey here it the big one never you play with a womans feelings Never lie to a woman about the way you feel. Your accomplishments will allege volumes about your feelings. You cannot say you love her if you cannot actualize time to accommodated her.

 3. cook
 for her Women love men who know how to cook. funny right like seriously they love it, Preparing her a meal even will make her love you more. Teach her to adapt some bloom over the weekend and she will smile. so what are you wating for go and learn how to cook if you want to please your woman.
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by king emvido feel free to drop your coments below we appreciate them!

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